So I sent out an email (which you’ll see below) about making up your workout as you go – a kettlebell jam sesh, I called it. (Did you know that’s where I share my best ideas, is with my subscribers? You should get on that!)
I then invited people to do an improvised workout and write in about what they came up with. Within an hour I had a flood of workouts in my inbox. I couldn’t get through them all, but I did get through a lot, and was able to pick a quick five that I thought you might find interesting/challenging/worth trying.
If you see your workout here, thanks for letting me share, even, and especially, if I didn’t ask. If you don’t and sent one in, it doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. (It may mean I didn’t see it – sorry!). We’ll get you in next time.
Here’s the original (somewhat edited/abbreviated) email.
Workout: Kettlebell Jam Sesh
The idea of the kettlebell jam sesh is to put a few minutes on the clock and see what you come up with. I imagine it’s like I’m taking the kettlebell on a dating and show it all the fun things we can do together – that I’m actually a pretty interesting guy. Swing, clean, press, snatch, squat, crawl, etc.
So I go for five movements and force myself to be creative. There is no right or wrong movement. Most of the time our experience is forgettable. The kettlebell never calls back.
But every once in a while I come up with something great and share it in Minimalist Workouts or Pocket Sized Programming, or with one of my clients.
Is the goal to break a sweat? Well, most of the time I’m only practicing. I’m focusing on my form and my breath. But this almost always causes me to sweat.
Here’s a little something I did the other day:
10 Swings
5 Goblet Squat
15 Swings
5 Push Ups
25 Swings
5 Pull Ups
50 Swings
It was fairly ferocious, but at the end I was like, “Well that was neat.” I used 24kg. Ladies I would say should use 16kg. I only did one round, but if you want you could do four. Do four.
Other People’s Kettlebell Jam Seshes
Conor –
Angela –
Swing Ladder: 20 reps down to 1, mixing in 5 – 10 reps every now and then of presses, high pulls, and whatever else needs work.
Cristy –
I love anything hinging — swings + cleans + snatches are my jam — bonus point if it’s doubles 🙂
Loving this jam ideas!
Just the other day, I threw this one in as a finisher to sufficiently smoke my upper body!
Dbl KB Press x 9 –>1, alternating with Dbl KB Rows x 1–>9
And yes, it really is as awful as it seems.