Whole Body Single Kettlebell Workouts
I’ve recently been saying a lot can be accomplished physically with just a 28kg (men) or 16kg (women) for the kettlebell non-beginner. Here are some workouts to show what I mean. Some are strength focused, others power, conditioning, etc.
PS – If you enjoy these, probably you will enjoy my free PDF of 101 kettlebell workouts here.
Routine 1
15 two hand swing + 5 goblet squat + 3 military press (each arm). 5 rounds or AMRAP in 15 minutes.
Routine 2
8 single arm swings – RIGHT (minute 1)
1 get up – RIGHT (minute 2)
8 single arm swings – LEFT (minute 3)
1 get up – LEFT (minute 4)
Repeat for 12 – 20 minutes.
Routine 3
1 – 5 – 1 single arm press ladder + 5 cleans between each rung (both sides).
Routine 4
1 – 10 snatch (or single arm swing) ladder + 2 goblet squats between each rung.
Routine 5
1 x single arm swing, single arm clean, single arm push press, reverse get up. Switch sides and repeat. AMRAP in 15 minutes.
Routine 6
8 x single arm swing + 5 x single arm squat + 2 x single arm snatch + 3 x single arm push press. AMRAP in 15 minutes.
Routine 7
Variation on the above: 8 x one arm swing + 5 x single arm squat + 3 x single arm press + 2 x single arm row. AMRAP in 15 minutes.
Routine 8
5 start stop swings + 5 – 1 goblet squat ladder.
PS – Snag 101 more FREE Kettlebell Workouts Here.
Related Posts and Resources
Check out Kettlebell One Here!