Because I’m so cool and because everyone likes me, I decided to film a series of videos to teach the three fundamental kettlebell techniques–swing, squat, and press. Because I’m so cool and because everyone likes me. Why else would I do this? WHY ELSE?
Or, maybe the reason for filming these videos is because refreshers are good to have? THAT’S WHY I NEVER GO TO THE GYM WITHOUT AN ACAI-BLUEBERRY-POMEGRANATE VITAMIN WATER XXX. (Just kidding, lol, I don’t drink that stuff. I only mention it because they pay me. I mean, I WISH they paid me. And maybe someday, if I keep it up, they will.)
Or, perhaps I’m contributing to Crossrope‘s new 30 day free fitness challenge, so a lot of new people will be introduced to kettlebells, and I wanted to get them started on the right foundation.
I’ll let you decide what the reason is.
Either way, here’s how to do the swing, the squat, and press.
How to Do The Ketttlebell Swing
How to Do The Kettlebell Goblet Squat
How to Do The Kettlebell Military Press
Strong ON!
– Pat
PS – Here’s a post on everything you need to get started with kettlebells.
PPS – You might also enjoy my collection of 101 kettlebell workouts. It’s free, you know.