Whenever a person self-assuredly and dogmatically asserts, “There is no evidence for (x)!” probably there is evidence for (x).
Don’t worry. I’m not going to weigh in on the debate around whether voter fraud ultimately affected the outcome of the presidential election (because the truth is, I don’t know), however, it does bear on this topic at least this much. Of course, there is evidence of voter fraud. There is not only historical precedent (also here) but “on-the-scene” evidence, including eyewitness testimony. (btw, eyewitness testimony *is* evidence.) The question, then – that is, the honest question – isn’t whether there is or isn’t evidence of voter fraud, but rather is the evidence sufficient to question the credibility of the election. Any sincere person – democrat or republican – should be able to admit this.
Another example: “There is no evidence that God exists!” shouts the shrill, militant atheist. OK, except all this. But yes, otherwise there is zero evidence that God exists. ; )
To be fair, even when it comes to positions I believe are not just false but ludicrous, I often still admit there is at least some evidence in favor of them. Take the example of flat earth theory, because here is some evidence in support of that: I walk outside, and it appears the earth is flat! To this somebody might say, “OK, but that is not very good evidence!” and there I would agree. But not very good evidence is different from absolutely no evidence. Sometimes not very good evidence may be the only evidence we have to go on. But in the case of the shape of the earth, there is more to consider. We have images from outer space, a 2,000 year old calculation of earth’s circumference using sticks and shadows, etc, and so the evidence of our everyday basic line of sight can be defeated.
The reason I bring this up is because I have consistently found — especially in politically tense situations where a Castro Consensus may be forming — people who assert, “There is absolutely no evidence for (x)!” are either in denial of (x) or just supremely ignorant. Naturally, I don’t want to include those who “non-dogmatically” assert there is no evidence of (x), and are just speaking loosely to mean the evidence is insufficient.
Images that are not even photos, and some dudes calculations are the better evidence? Evidence is actually pretty clear that either one of those has to be wrong. Either the photos are photoshopped, or the dude, Eratosthenes, was wrong. Or both. Because we sure can see way longer then we should. Not saying the earth is not a ball, I am saying that if it is it has too be much bigger then we are told and shown on pictures.
Hi Glenn,
So what is your position? That the current consensus of a “bumpy spheroid” earth is incorrect, incomplete, or… ?