In my new book (I’ll reveal the title soon) I talk about the rule of 100%. Have you heard of it? It’s becoming pretty popular.
The Rule of 100%
The Rule of 100% says anything between half-assed to 99% is unacceptable. You’re either in or you’re out. The Rule of 100% is not the end of moderation. (It may be the end of moderation.)
When you say you’re in 100%, there’s no cheating on your diet. There’s no skipping workouts. There’s no playing a round of golf when you have a novel to write.
When you follow Rule of 100% you seal your chances of success. What I’ve seen is people (including myself) who commit only 99% only get 99% of the way, and what’s the point of that?
It’s that last 1% that matters more than anything. If you’re not going to finish what you start, you might as well never even begin. That’s my opinion.
100% Is Easier Than 80%, or 90%
The Rule of 100% really does make life a lot easier. When you’re fully in – with no exceptions or excuses – there’s no longer any reason you won’t succeed. You do give some things up but you get a lot more in return.
Your find your self-respect. You start to believe in yourself again, and all you can do. So be in or be out. (Be in!) Follow the Rule of 100%.
– Pat