God created us because God is love and wills union with His beloved. Unfortunately, any free being God creates could fail to love God in return and that is just what happened. But God does not abandon us at the point of original sin, though He (allegedly) could have. Instead, God takes it upon himself to enter our dreadful human state – to break into our psyche by opening himself to our suffering through the incarnation and atonement – inviting us into an intimate union with himself, by proving his love and showing He is not indifferent to our tears, trials, and torments. God enters the human condition so humans can enter the condition and life of God. Everything about salvation history is one fantastically strange rescue mission, predicated on the inescapable love of Christ.
How often we fail to appreciate the significance of what God has offered us. The promise of the beatific vision is the very gift of participating in the divine life, of attaining the most intimate union possible with God — our eternal creator. There is nothing that could come close to this, not even a PlayStation 5. Perhaps we could think of it this way. God desires that we seek him and love him – not because God needs to be loved to be fulfilled; never, God is perfect! — but because God loves us so incredibly much that He wanted to give us everything He could, and what more could God give than Himself? There is nothing else. God wants us to be happy, and for our happiness to happen God had to give that which could fulfill our desires for perfect friendship, love, and home. Notice: Perfect friendship, love, and home.