This question, which I got from Dan John, by the way, is a machete, and really useful. It hacks away the brush, clears away all superfluities, and leaves you with a fitness program that is vigorous and concise.
“If you could only workout for 15 minutes, 3 day a week—what would you do?”
However a person answers that question, assuming the person was not born an idiot or trained into one, is exactly what that person should be doing.
I have an answer.
Do you?
If so, I’d like to hear it in the comments.
clean and jerk
Carry, drag, and push heavy things and do sprints.
5 snatches earch side, 4 alt leg through & press ups – amrap in good form rest when necessary
24kg kettlebell-
1 Burpee, 2 Goblet Squats and 3 swings then 2 burpees, 4 goblet squats and 6 swings.
Work up to 10 Burpees, 20 Goblet squats and 30 Swings. Try and get under 15 mins.
Would have to be your KB30
I would do Swings/Armor Building complex.
Either kettlebells or free weights (heavy).
TGU’s – heavy
Bodyweight Circuits that include swings, pull ups, pushups, squats, and ab work
Looks like I’m the first, so here goes:
Day 1: Armor Building Complex
Day 2: TGU’s + Push Ups (a variety of)
Day 3: Pull Ups/Chins + Squats + a KB swing finisher
1 handed Swings
Swings. I love doing Viking Warrior Conditioning high volume snatches, but it is hard on my hands, so between the two, if I had to select one, it would be swings.
I’d make more time to train!
Really pushed to it: swings & get ups.
Oooh, this is tough. Assuming a warm-up does not use up any of the 15 min., I’d say:
Day 1: 10 minutes building to a heavy 2-3 rep deadlift+5 minutes of kb swings or snatches
Day 2: 10 minutes building to a heavy 3-5 rep squat+5 minutes of kb swings or snatches
Day 3: 10 minutes building to a heavy 6-8 rep press+5 minutes of kb swings or snatches
Or, of course, 15 min. of Armor Building integrated into sets of swings x3/week 🙂
1. Practice set clean and press, pullups
2. One arm swings/snatches
3. Getups,kettlebell front squats
Great question!
Day 1: HSPU superset with weighted pullups 2×5 followed by 10 sec sprints while wolf crawling back until time expired
Day 2: 2×5 superset concentric pullups and dips, weighted, followed by tabata of swings and goblet squats- 4 min each exercise with 2 min rest in between
Day 3: 2×5 24kg military press, bent over row, goblet, single leg deadlift, farmer carry (30 seconds each arm) and hanging leg raise- if time permits, swing burpee till elapsed
Superset with KB Swings-KB Squats- KB Carries
Clean and presses, pullups and sprinting on my rebounder trampoline.
Day 1: Armour Building Complex
Day 2: Swings and Crawling
Simple & Sinister every time
Kettlebells and dumb bells. oh and a little bar work with an ez curl bar. (not just for biceps)
I would do one of Dan John’s Barbell Complexes, such as 8 Deadlifts, 8 Bent-Over or Pendlay Rows, 8 Power Cleans, 8 Front Squats, 8 Presses, 8 Over Head Squats, 8 Back Squats, 8 Good Mornings. Repeat for 3 sets. If time permits, squeeze in 2 sets of 5 reps of heavy squats or swap out for a Farmer’s Walk.
Two days of kettlebell work and one day of the olympic lifts
Dunk… for 15 minutes.
One hand swings, goblet squats, double KB front squats, KB presses, pull ups
heavy barbell squats
1 Lift per day – squat, deadliest, overhead press – a set of 5 every 2 minutes – or something like that
Swings and snatches and squats. And pullups 🙂
The great destroyer on day one, pull ups and clean and press on day two, swings and goblet squats on day 3
I would play with my kettle bells, pullups, pushups and pistol squats. Maybe deadlifts and bench;)
Deadlift (ascending singles with an ondulation progression) and in the rest between sets depending on the mood of the day I ll pick between presses, TGU, chins/pullups, pistols, dips/pushup. (I ll try to rotate the movement to reach a balanced program.
Turkish Get-ups
KB Snatches
300 swings
I would do a 2 handed swings, snatches and clean and presses…followed by a finisher of complex of pull ups and push ups. This comes at a great time as I am struggling with my schedule and find I have little time to workout EFFICIENTLY AND EFFECTIVELY!! I use to do only kb and spin classes ( I was the instructor) and switched to more weight lifting and only KB about 1-2 times a week. Well lets say I have gained 10 BAD POUNDS in about 6 months!!!! SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE…any advice???
I am faced with this dilemma almost every week thanks to a very full schedule. My preference is to strength train – at least a 1-2-3 ladder of clean/press, weighted pull ups, one leg deadlift, front squat, TGU, and 3×5 hanging leg raises. That is the base of my daily regimen so I always start there. If time permits I’ll do a kettlebell complex once or twice per week. Then I walk/move as much as I can throughout the rest of my day.
But then again the combo of armor building and 300 swings is an amazing combo of strengthening and conditioning.
Farmer’s walk.
Clean and press
Various Push ups
Goblet Squat
Alternate between Kb swings cleans and snatches
Carries, farmers walks Tec
Done for as many sets as possible in the 15 mins
Double 16 Kg Kettlebell Long Cycle, Double 24 Kg Squat, and Myo Fascial Stretch
The great destroyer x2
Day 1: Armour building 2/1/3 or 3/2/5 or 5/3/8 “resting” between sets with farmers walks.
Day 2: Simple and sinister
And now for the all important follow up question – is that what you’re doing now?
Humane Burpee
Complex with strength moves (heavy front squat, deadlift, cleans, push jerks) mixed with ballistics (swings, snatches). Armour Building complex is great.
So pretty much a Dan John or Pat Flynn complex, or the Simple & Sinister combo of swings & getups.
Keep it tight, but work heavy with good form through the time frame. Heavy KB swings are a new kind of awesome for anyone who hasn’t tried it (48kg swings for sets) are a challenge beyond words. Simple, but not easy.
Safety is priority!
And great question Pat, lots of good info
Clean and Press
Clean and FSQ
Pull Up Variations
Get Ups
Focus on low volume heavy weight.
Every few weeks change this base out for a week of complexes.
No one has mentioned their goals (or physical limitations).
I’m assuming for the majority it is strength (and you’re all in perfect physical condition).
Day 1 KB 16
Round the body (RTB) 10 left, 10 right, single hand swings 10 l/r, RTB 10 l/r, cleans 10 l/r, RTB 10 l/r, Military Press 10 l/r, RTB 10 l/r, snatches 10 l/r, RTB 10 l/r, single leg dead lift 10 l/r, RTB 10 l/r, back lunge 10 l/r, RTB 10 l/r
Day 2 double KB 20 (2 sets)
10 swings, 10 double cleans, 10 double clean and jerk, 10 double squats, 10 snatch, windmill 5 l/r, TGU 5 l/r (KB 16)
Day 3 as day 1, KB 20
!!!! LET IT BURN !!!!
1) power (so I can send the bouldery crux of Boronocus)
2) strength (so i can keep a hold of the sloper on my way to sending Taliban Soup)
3) hill sprints (either on a bike or on foot)
Right now I’m focused on three things
1) climbing v6 5.12 by the autumn climbing season
2) Running a second 40miler sometime in the autumn
3) Crushing a gravel 120 (in mid june) (a bike race)
goals drive my fitness. being fit allows me to set new goals. circle of life freaking A! 😛
If warm up is not part of the 15′ then Simple& Sinister if it is then heavy swings for reps, first set as warm up and TGU
Day 1-KB swings
Day 2-KB Turkish get-ups
Day 3-KB snatches
1. kettlebell swings
2. TGU
3 loaded carries
Day 1 KB complex wermup then Squat or Dead with a prowler and or carry finish
Day 2 higher intensity intervals with KB swings, sprints, maybe wall balls
Day 1 KB complex wermup then Squat or Dead with a prowler and or carry finish
The humane burpee by Dan John:
10 Swings
5 Goblet Squats (Put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the Push Up Position (walk on your hands)
5 Push Ups
Inchworm Back to the Start
10 Swings
4 Goblet Squats (Put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the Push Up Position (walk on your hands)
4 Push Ups
Inchworm Back to the Start
10 Swings
3 Goblet Squats (Put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the Push Up Position (walk on your hands)
3 Push Ups
Inchworm Back to the Start
10 Swings
2 Goblet Squats (Put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the Push Up Position (walk on your hands)
2 Push Ups
Inchworm Back to the Start
10 Swings
1 Goblet Squat (Put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the Push Up Position (walk on your hands)
1 Push Up
Inchworm Back to the Start
That’s 50 Swings, 15 Goblet Squats and 15 Push Ups. 8-5-2 will give you the same results with less Swings, if you need (Only 30!).
Day 1: Alt TGU for 5 min. Last 10 min: alt 1arm swing, clean and press, snatch ascending ladder
Day 2: 5 Double KB swings, 5 double KB cleans, 5 double KB front squat complex for 10 min. Last 5 min-farmer’s walks
Day 3: First 5 min: alt 5 KB snatches/side. Second 5 min: 20 2H swings EMOM. Last 5 min: as many rounds as possible of 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups.
I think the real question is, why do you only have 15 minutes, 3 days a week.
Nobody is that busy !!! Spend 15 minutes thinking how to maximize your time and then lift something heavy and go on a long walk.
Crawl – leopard, spiderman, and cross-crawl on all-fours.
A variety of KB swings + get ups + renegade rows + goblet squats w/ one arm overhead press
4-5 minutes warmup, your 9 minute complex, 1-2 minute stretch.