Pat is joined by professional philosopher J.P. Moreland to discuss anxiety and the human soul. Professor Moreland, who specializes in philosophy of mind, opens up about his struggles with anxiety and depression, and shares strategies –physical, mental, and spiritual — that have helped him to reclaim a life of peace and joy.
Healing Anxiety and Understanding the Human Soul
Finding Quiet
Be sure to grab a copy of Dr. Moreland’s new book, Finding Quiet, here:
About J.P. Moreland
[From Wikipedia] Moreland specializes in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, chemistry, and Christian Philosophy, having had his work published in journals such as Metaphilosophy and the American Philosophical Quarterly. He has also had his work published by presses such as Intervarsity Press, NavPress, Zondervan, Oxford University Press, Routledge, Rutgers University Press, and Prometheus.
Moreland earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with honors from the University of Missouri and a Master of Arts in Philosophy with highest honors from the University of California, Riverside. He received his Th.M. in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. In 1985, he received a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Southern California. His dissertation was “Universals and the Qualities of Things: A defense of Realism.” His dissertation advisor was Dallas Willard Moreland is married to Hope and together they have two children and four grandchildren.
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So good to hear about these techniques. I’ve had brushes with anxiety but nothing like the anxiety I’ve seen friends and colleagues struggle with. Personally, I think some doctors are too quick to prescribe medication without doing anything out. At the same time, I don’t think medication is an evil that Christians (or anyone else) should avoid as it’s “evil.” It’s just a matter of forming a strategy that incorporates more than one component (mental, medicine, etc.)
As a Christian, I think it’s shameful how some so-called Christians vilify mental health treatment. While I think there are people who are misdiagnosed, mental health is a real phenomenon (rather than demonic possession). People should be able to get help with their mental health problems without facing persecution from their fellow Christians. I agree 100% that medication doesn’t solve anxiety issues by itself and you need a balanced approach. Thanks for bringing a Christian perspective to this problem which I know affects many people, Pat. As someone who is bipolar, I have to manage my own mental health and I found the hard way that medication is an essential part of my treatment.
I think some mental health problems can be dealt with via cognitive therapy, but there are some where you need medication and therapy for things to work. In some cases, even that will only go so far. At least that’s what I’ve seen with friends and family coping with mental health matters.