Point of clarification: somebody who is pro-life could live inconsistently with their position on human dignity and that would not for one second take away from the fact that abortion is murder. Adolf Hitler could have been a self-proclaimed pro-life advocate, and the arguments against abortion still correct. Of course, I’m not conceding that people who are pro-life frequently do live inconsistently with their commitments to human dignity, I’m only highlighting an obvious red herring (not to mention, ad hominem) that is constantly flung about to detract from the critically important issue. It’s meant to keep people’s eyes off the appalling and horrifically immoral tragedy of abortion – and it’s working.
To employ a common and frequently misplaced cliché: abortion isn’t a political issue; it’s a human rights issue.
Please read:
Persuasive Pro-Life (Beginner)
Ethics of Abortion (Advanced)