I’m a bit of a hippie. I’ve been called “crunchy granola” on more than one occasion. (This is a term that I initially ignored but eventually succumbed to Googling. Lo and behold, I am, indeed, crunchy granola. But really I only meet 1-and-a-half of the characteristics assigned to this category of person.)
I think that the majority of people will reach their fitness goals without the use of supplements.
My main beef with pre-workout supplements is similar to my main beef with anything produced in any way that cannot be very directly traced back to photosynthesis: there tends to be a whole lotta phooey involved.
[“Beef,” as a matter of fact, comes from cows, and cows eat grass, and grass grows because of photosynthesis. Yum. Beef.]
Supplement labels will boast all sorts of things that may or may not be true and will list in the ingredients “proprietary blends” with names like “Fat-Incinerating, Muscle-Quadrupling, Omnipotence-Inducing, Eternal-Life-Giving, Eye-Lash-Thickening, Booty-Lifting, *Cup-Size-Increasing, Charisma-Infusing Antioxidizer.” Such a blend might very well be a combination of sugar and caffeine. (Which, by the way, might even make you feel like a million bucks until your workout is over and you want to die.) *Read that with whichever gender-bias you prefer.
So, I guess you could say I’m pretty much “against” most of the pre-workout powders being marketed as a solve-all for fitness.
But that doesn’t mean that I am “against” providing your body with specifically-chosen supplements in order to support the positive effects of your training. My personal advice would be to find pure, high-quality forms of the particular supplements you want and then to mix your own little pre-workout potion.
You might wish to consider caffeine, BCAAs (especially leucine), and even creatine monohydrate. However, BCAAs and creatine aren’t super time-sensitive, so post-workout works well, too.
Otherwise, I’m just crunchy granola; I don’t like to put things in my body to affect the way it works.
Move forward, do exercise, move laterally, do exercise, etc. clockwise for 2 minutes; reset, then move counterclockwise for 2 minutes:
3 x inchworm walk-out (bend in half, walk hands to plank, walk toes to hands)
1o x squat
3 x side plank walk
10 x reverse lunge, alternating
3 x backwards inchworm walk-out (bend in half, walk feet to plank, walk hands to toes)
10 x squat
3 x side plank walk
10 forward lunge, alternating