How to Do a Pistol Squat
How to Do a Pistol Squat
How To Do a Pistol Squat
When it comes to building strength in the lower body with a minimum of equipment, where the only gym is the outside world, one should look enthusiastically toward the pistol squat. That sounded like a lead to a The New Yorker piece. So, nevermind that; let’s go with this: If you want to be strong, then learn to squat on one leg.
The pistol is not only just an absolutely adorable demonstration of strength, mobility, and motor control, but a wonderful developer of all three. It can be used for performance and aesthetics and it can very much strengthen the knee. You should do them. They’re good.
A properly executed pistol requires the participant to lower down fully on one leg, then reascend. This means the hell is planted and the free leg stuck out in front. A small counterbalance (such as a kettlebell or handweight) might also be used for those who are mechanically disadvantaged. As for those who are mentally disadvantaged? I’ve got nothing.
Anyway, check out the video and the podcast. In each, Aleks and I discuss the merits of the pistol squat (why you should do them) and progressions for building the strength and stability necessary (how to do them).
Good luck and,
Strong ON!
– Pat
Resources and Show Notes:
Pat’s 5 Day Kettlebell Fat Furnace Challenge:
101 FREE Kettlebell Workouts:
The Pat Flynn Show
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