The kettlebell is the best tool for doing complexes with and that’s because the kettlebell is compact and can be used for different moves without having to switch plates or move any extraneous weight around. It is very convenient. Complexes (remember) are where you do moves back to back with little to no rest between, like a flow. Almost nothing will give you such a good workout in so short a time as complexes will.
I’m writing this post to show you some complexes and also kind of because I wanted to. At first I didn’t want to, what I wanted at first was to play video games. But then I thought about it and said you know what Pat go ahead and write the post and afterward if you want you can play video games. That’s how I motivated myself.
What makes complexes so great is how they work multiple muscle groups and energy systems at the same time. Energy systems are pathways in the body that store and deliver energy. We have three of them, as humans.
Anyway whenever you do a workout that increases the efficiency of both the storage and delivery of energy, that is what we call, well that is actually called “metabolic conditioning.” People have kind of fallen in love with metabolic conditioning because of how good of a job it does for burning fat. And that’s really wonderful in fact because kettlebell complexes are metabolic conditioning and some of the best kind. Crossfit is metabolic conditioning too but Crossfit is also kind of whatever so we won’t pay much attention to that.
Now whenever I have someone who needs to get rid of body fat because they don’t like the way it looks on them, which is most people, I say listen what we need to do are some kettlebell complexes, and they are usually like well what in the hell is a kettlebell complex, Pat. That’s when I tell them all the stuff I just told you in this post.
What I want to do now if you will let me is walk you through a few of these complexes and then at the end I will invite you to join my new 20-Day Challenge, which is where you pay me something like around $32, I think it was, and I give you all these great, amazing workouts. Anyway read the post and then we can talk about it.
Single Kettlebell Complexes
Single kettlebell complexes are best for muscle endurance and fat loss. They are also good for anyone who only has one kettlebell because that’s all you need to do these. That’s how they got their name, which is why we call them “single kettlebell complexes”. How about that!
Let’s see some examples.
High Voltage:
5 x one arm swing, one arm snatch, one arm clean and press, reverse lunge. Men use 20kg; women 12kg. Do 5 rounds.
The Hellion:
Complete a 2 – 10 ladder (advancing by two’s) of the following exercises: Two hand swing, one arm swing, snatch, thruster. Men use 16-20kg; women 8-12kg.
Short and Sweet KB Combo:
5 cycles of: One arm swing, snatch, press, squat, lunge. Switch sides and repeat. Men use 16 – 20kg; women 8 – 12kg. Do 5 rounds.
Fat Crusher:
Just watch the video for the description of this one. It’s a little complicated but not that complicated.
The Savage:
15 two hand swing + 5 goblet squats + 3 push ups. AMRAP in 10 minutes. Men use 32kg; women 24kg.
The Old School LeaD In:
30 seconds x two hand swing + 60 second plank + 60 second jumping rope. Men use 32kg; women 24kg. Do 5 rounds.
Noodles Galore:
30 seconds x each move (R+L): one arm swing, one arm clean, snatch, press, push press, reverse lunge, bent over row. Men use 16 – 20kg; women 8 – 12kg. Do 3 rounds.
Double Kettlebell Complexes
Double kettlebell complexes are best for strength and building muscle. They are also good for fat loss. Double kettlebell complexes can get a little nastier in some ways in particular when you start to pile on the weight. Let’s start with something, I wouldn’t say mild, but this one actually comes from Dan John, except only I did it with my friend Jen Sinkler when she was out to visit one time.
Armor Building + Swings:
Like I said this is a Dan John classic with a twist. 2 x double clean + 1 x double press + 3 x front squat + 10 swings. Men use 2 x 24 – 32kg; women 2 x 16 – 24kg. AMRAP in 15 minutes.
Kettlebell Cyclone:
Double swing, double clean, double snatch, see-saw press, front squat. Cycle through as many times as you can without setting the bells down. Men use 2 x 20kg; women 2 x 12kg. Do as many cycles as possible in 15 minutes.
3 x double swing, double snatch, double clean and press, front squat. Men use 2 x 24kg; women 2 x 16kg. Do 4 – 5 rounds.
The Great Destroyer:
10 x double swing, double snatch, front squat, clean and press, push ups. Men use 2 x 16kg; women 2 x 8kg.
Muscle Maker:
5 x Front Squat
2 x See-Saw Press
5 x Front Squat
2 x See-Saw Press
5 x Front Squat
2 x See-Saw Press
All without setting the bells down. Men use 2 x 24kg; women 2 x 16kg. Do 3 – 4 rounds.
The (Semi) Original Flynn Man-Maker:
1 x Double Swing
1 x Front Squat
1 x Double Swing
1 x Double Clean and Press
1 x Front Squat
1 x Double Swing
1 x Double Clean and Press
1 x Double Snatch
1 x Front Squat
1 x Double Swing
1 x Double Clean and Press
1 x Double Snatch
1 x Bent Over Row
1 x Front Squat
1 x Double Swing
1 x Double Clean and Press
1 x Double Snatch
1 x Bent Over Row
1 x Push Up on the Bells
1 x Front Squat
Then start over! Men use 2 x 24kg; women 2 x 16kg. Go through as many times as possible in 10 – 15 minutes.
The 20-Day Kettlebell Complex Challenge
I just launched a 20 day challenge where I give you a new kettlebell complex to do everyday for 20 Days, which is why it’s called the 20-Day Challenge. I made this challenge so people can get rid of body fat and move on with their lives and not have to worry about not being looking like a Greek God anymore. I also made it so people could become better conditioned and have more muscle on them and strength as well.
Usually when I launch something I give a good reason to buy it, like, for example, because my car has 385hp. This time however the reason you should join my 20-Day Challenge is because these workouts are new and advanced and a real bargain. There are also a bunch of bonuses too, which is nice.
==> CLICK HERE to learn my about my 20-Day Challenge!
Strong ON!
– Pat
PS – If you have any complex you think is nice go ahead and put it in the comments and if it is nice I’ll perhaps share it in one of my emails, sometime.
I think this complex is nice:
10 rows, 1 clean, 5 presses;
8 rows, 1 clean, 4 presses;
6 rows, 1 clean, 3 presses;
4 rows, 1 clean, 2 presses;
2 rows, 1 clean, 1 press.
The beauty of this one is that you can do it “double” (with two KBs) or “single,” completing the whole monstrosity on one side before switching to the other.
Choose a weight you can press 5 times (even if you need to add a little push to it).
I kid you not when I say that once or twice through is sufficient.
I like the Queen B, mostly because I made it up 😛 Oh, and it’s a nasty piece of work:
10 x double swings
75′ farmer’s carry
10 x push-ups on bells
75′ farmer’s carry
10 x front squats
2-3 rounds will do ya
Ew, Christine. That IS nasty!
Will the 20 day kettlebell complex challenge be ok for people new to using kettlebells in their workouts? I don’t want to attempt the challenge if I won’t be able to move the next day. I will have to save some of the youtube videos and complexes on my phone so I can refer to them when I’m actually in the gym.
I’m trying to buy the 20 day challenge but the form will only let me pay by PayPal. There’s no CC option!?
Hi Dana,
You’ll need a PayPal account to check out, but once you have that you can pay with just about any major card. Hope that helps and would love to have you join us.
– Pat