A kettlebell combo is where you do one rep of many exercises. It’s like a complex or even a circuit except instead of reps you use cycles, which a cycle is a string of moves where you do just one rep of each. Now I’m not going to keep saying the same thing thing over and over and repeat myself.
Combos are good because unlike a complex you don’t just smash one muscle group like a sinner and then move onto another but rather you keep the system working as you more broadly fatigue who knows how many muscle groups and do so somewhat evenly.
This may in theory lead to a greater amount of work being done in the end but like I said that is only a theory and what we need is for you to try some of these combos and see for yourself what you think of them. Alright?
Kettlebell Combos!
1 rep of each x 5 cycles: double swing, double clean, double snatch, double press, front squat. Men use 2 x 20; women 2 x 12kg. Don’t put the bells down!
Or here is a sort of variation on that one, but just with a see-saw press. I call it The Cyclone.
Another combo but with only one bell would be this:
1 rep of each x 5 cycles: one arm swing, one arm clean, one arm snatch, one arm push press, reverse lunge. Men use 20kg; women 12kg. Don’t put the bell down!
Combos can also be just two moves, like say for example, the Popcorn Maker:
Swing to Goblet Squat. 30 seconds ON/ 30 seconds OFF, for 10 minutes. Men use 24 – 32kg; women 16 – 24kg.
Now I don’t want to give you too many workouts because I have other things to do.
Strong ON!
– Pat
PS – You might also enjoy my Inner Circle because I have other things to do but you want more workouts, so let’s make a deal.
“Don’t put the weights down!” I think that might make me cry lol. I guess it’s something to work towards. Thanks for the workouts – I’ll have to make my way through them. How many times a week should you train with kettlebells if you’re not that used to them? I don’t want to over do it.
2 – 3 is a good start, Kelly.
I am new to kettlebells and only own one as of this moment. I believe it is a 10 pound one. I am still learning to balance the one and get moves down with that. Would you recommend using to 5lb ones to double up with? I just worry that the heavier ones may end up being a bit too much and I will hurt myself lol