Well here we are with another post about kettlebells. But I’ll pretend you’ve never heard me talk about this so that way we can start with the basics, OK?
Many say to start with the swing and the squat and the Turkish Get Up. I would rather you start with the swing and the squat and not the Turkish Get Up but the military press. The Turkish Get Up is a great move and all but if we are talking about ease of access then you will get more out of the military press, which we will talk about later. The Turkish Get Up takes too long.
Let’s start with the swing and the squat today and then give you a workout.
The Kettlebell Swing
Key Points
– Hip Hinge (hips go back. Knees bend but don’t go forward).
– Hips above the knees but below the shoulders.
– Back flat (but not vertical).
– Explosive. Think “jump through your heels.”
The Goblet Squat
Key Points:
– Heels on the ground.
– Hips go down. Imagine “pulling” yourself between your legs.
– Knees stay in line with the toes.
– Back is flat and nearer to vertical.
– “Grind.” Meaning not slow, but controlled.
Swing and Squat Workouts
Here’s a simple, effective, wonderful, amazing workout you can do with just these two moves (swing and squat).
10 – 1 Swing and Squat ladder. Men use 24 – 32kg; women 16 – 24kg.
Here’s another…
30 seconds ON/30 seconds off for 10 minutes. Men use 24kg; ladies 16kg.
And here’s another…
Go 1-5, rest and repeat. Run the ladder as many times as you can in 10 minutes. Men use 32kg; ladies 24kg.
Strong ON!
– Pat
PS – You might also enjoy my Inner Circle because that’s where everyone else is.
Some great, basic workouts, Pat!
Thank you Pat! I read your every post but dont comment that much. Just want to say your work is appreciated!
Glad you chimed in, Stefan, and thank you. Hope you do so more often.
Some awesome workouts there! I’m still mastering the kettlebell exercises, so this is definitely appreciated. If you have bad form you could end up doing some real damage – this is something that I am a little worried about. So thanks for sharing this.
Great tips here. I am still working on my swing. I think I raise my back and arch it too much, which then gives me pain. I need to practice keeping my back lined up and letting the bulk of the work be done in my legs. I read that is the proper way to do swings anyways.