Heads up; you can grab 101 FREE kettlebell workouts here: 101kettlebellworkouts.com
I don’t not like the burpee, I just don’t think it’s the best use of a persons time any more than going to the Philadelphia zoo is to watch Helga the Hippo grunt, bellow brusquely, and paddle her way around the pond.
So I come up with something better, I think.
The problem with the burpee, well there are two problems. First the intensity is fairly low. Yes, it can get your heart rate up, if you move fast enough, but the resistance is pretty much set being just your own self so unless you wanna’ go and get super fat but that sort of defeats the purpose. Secondly is the faster I see people moving with it, the worse their form invariably gets and so their burpee turns into mush. I mean it gets mushee.
My creation, which I call, oh I don’t know, let’s just call it Instead of Burpees, Do This, because I just woke up and am feeling kind of cabbageheaded on account I haven’t had my Pu-Ehr tea, which is what gets my brain to do work and be sometimes useful instead of it just cumbering the inside of my skull for no good reason like most people’s do.
Anyways my creation has you moving two heavy kettlebells from a dead clean, into a deep squat, and then powering them overhead.
And aint can nobody NOT pay good attention to form with two heavy bells cumbering their specimen less they wanna’ be reduced to a pile of nibblets and killed by death, hear me?
But I’ve rattled on plenty enough, here’s what I want you to do.
Put 15 minutes on the clock, THEN as many rounds of the following as you can get in with GOOD form:
5 x 1 Double Clean + 1 double kettlebell squat thruster
If you have any questions, comments, whatever–drop them below.
Minimalist Muscle
So I’m looking for a couple of guinea pigs to come try out my new Minimalist Muscle program. The program itself is deceptively simple–just five movements with plenty of sets, heavy sets, I mean, big and disgusting.
It’s tough, but it will help you add muscle quick (if that’s something you’re looking to do), and will help you to do it cleanly, too, so you can add some size while staying remarkably lean.
As for my guinea pigs, I’d love to have any guy who’s ever had a “difficult” time putting on muscle, or any woman between the age of 25-55 who wants to put on a fair amount of lean (and tasteful, but NOT bulky) muscle.
If interested, CLICK HERE to join the Inner Circle, then shoot me an email at PatFlynn@ChroniclesOfStrength.com with the subject line of “I’m In” and I’ll get you the program on June 1st. First come first serve on this, so don’t dawdle, and serious folks only please.
I’ll shut up now.
Im doing a 30 x a day for 30 days challenge from a Ted Talk on burpees. I do them first thing in morning after some rocking and rolling to get my blood flowing and loosen up. I add in the Hindu push ups as in a Yoga Vinyasa, also a calve & hamstring/hip stretch in the downward dog. Keeping to perfect form. This is added into my regular routine of the Pull-up & Minimalist program. Seems to be helping. I am certain I don’t want to be doing heavy KB lifts straight out of bed.
I also got my wife to start doing them, 1 a day then add 1 a day to work up to 30. She has been resistant to a kettlebell program but is doing the burpees.
My Son has also started the 30x day challenge who hasn’t been able to keep to the ETK program or being constant with working out with them. Now he’s excited about making some progress and added in bike rides at work and on a baseball team. Inspired to learn more about the Kettlebell workouts.
I think they have their place along with crawling, push ups and body weight squat, lunge & mountain climbers, (all included in the burpee, the way I do them). They are helping me get to my strength training and encouraging others to get active.