When I was ten my grandest desire was to be Angus Young, and to wear a schoolboy outfit all of the time, and to learn every possible AC/DC song on the guitar. And so I did.
Looking back, I am happy I started learning music with AC/DC, because I don’t hardly like opera half as much as a German person does, and because they taught me how to be good and well-rounded player nonetheless.
What AC/DC teaches the guitarist is that the space between the notes is as equally, if not more important, than the notes themselves. Any jackleg can play an E a D and an A chord, but only AC/DC made Back in Black out of them.
This too is very true of working out and of eating. Sometimes the space between reps is more important than the reps themselves. As well is the space between workouts, as well the space between meals.
And so a good workout, I’ve found, can often be made great, if you just let it breathe a little. Meaning, don’t rush it–rest a little, slow down, if necessary, and make sure each movement rings clean.
The Beastmother Kettlebell Workout of The Week
I have a new KWOW for you today, called The Beastmother, which is by no coincidence a pet name I’ve been fooling around with for Christine, but so far, has brought me only grief.
And so now it joins the graveyard of all such expired pet names: The Queen of Tyre, My Sweet Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Big Horn, and right on down the long line.
“Metabolic Reset” Webinar: Next Tuesday @ 7:30pm (Eastern)
So next Tuesday (7:30pm Eastern), I’m hosting a free nutritional training webinar on “The Metabolic Reset”, and I think you’re going find this to be very helpful, especially if you are looking for some fresh new ways to integrate intermittent fasting (along with intense exercise) into your routine.
Here’s what I’ll be covering:
- How to restore balance to your metabolism and body through the “30-Day Metabolic Reset” (I’ll be giving you the exact guidelines to follow—no guesswork involved).
- How to optimize your hormones and get better results with intermittent fasting and meal timing.
- How to best combine fasting and exercise for various goals (fat loss, muscle mass, strength gain, etc).
- 7 of my favorite time-crunched kettlebell workouts to blast fat and boost muscle (these all take less than 15 minutes and are best done in a fasted state)
- Seating” to this event is limited, and will fill up fast (first come, first serve), so use the link below to save your spot.
==> HERE is the registration link:
See you there!
– Pat
PS – I’ll be doing live QnA at the end, so bring whatever questions you got. I’d love to help you out.
PPS – Sorry, this webinar won’t be recorded. So please do not register unless you can make the time (otherwise someone else might get locked out, which wouldn’t be cool).
Sorry Pat, that song just ain’t the same if you are just sitting there. You have to be moving around in order to release the essence of rock.
Gary, I know, I know–I tried, but kept colliding at every interval with a St. Bernard. I’m going to have to work that one out…
Great playing! Would love to see you do it in the school boy outfit now lol
The line about referring to Christine as the “Beastmother” is hilarious and for sharing that pet name with your followers, grief you shall receive! I cannot imagine why she would not embrace such a soft, nurturing, warm, caring, and flattering term of endearment.
Still loving the 9 Minute Workout. Great post and insight today. Rock on Pat!
My brother, Gino, wanted to be Angus as well when we were growing up. We acted out all the music videos. So the music playing for this workout–AC/DC, I presume?