I have been engaged for some time in using kettlebell complexes, the reason being there is hardly a better way to get a full body workout in. Complexes propel fat loss and muscle gain–and they do it at the same time. Few modalities are so effective or efficient.
A complex, simply explained, is a series of exercsies done back to back with little to no rest between. The goal: To work multiple muscle groups and energy systems simultaneously. The result: Oxygen debt, or EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption), is created, and metabolism stoked for many hours to come.
Kettlebell complexes are my go-to for time-efficient, hard-hitting, fat-stripping workouts. So I figured I would discuss both the benefits and versatility of training with complexes for faster fat loss, along with more efficient muscle gain. Specific examples and workouts provided. Enjoy!
How Kettlebell Complexes Give You The World’s Most Efficient Workout
Strong ON!
– Pat
PS – The Pat Flynn show is now on iTunes. If you’re enjoying the episodes so far, your positive review and subscription would mean a lot.
What is the reality of epoc?
I remember reading it comes down to a few calories that make little difference.
Doing a short interval session does not burn much and the epoc is no great amount either.
Doing a longer steady state workout is just as good.
Plus you are not burnt out for strength training, if that is an issue.
End of the day, it seems to come down to diet.
Burning off calories via exercise is at best a small aspect of weight loss.
Keeping muscle with heavy training – good.
Losing fat with calorie reduction – good.
Burning calories through training – a small help.
Epoc – even smaller factor, hardly worth considering?
EPOC is useful, and building muscle even more so, which you won’t get from steady state. But the ultimate truth is these are all of much lower priority than what you put in your mouth, if you’re goal is to lose weight. But moving beyond weight loss and into building physique, you are better off with this style of exercising, than you are with most conventional forms of cardio.
Minutiae matters, but at some point, we also have to get away from the trite advice of “abs are formed in the kitchen” if we ever want to get into anything interesting.
I just found your podcast. Been reading your stuff for years. It’s great you’re on iTunes, but how about showing Android users some love.
I can’t find your podcasts on Google Play Music or SoundCloud.
Keep grinding!
Podcast is still under review for Google Play, but should be available soon. Hope you enjoy 🙂