Getting Your First Pull Up
Q. Pat, How Do I Get My First Pull Up?
(Alex, Female, 36)
A. Examine Anna, one of my clients. Coming to me, she couldn’t do one, as is the typical case. But as well, she recently gave birth, too, which accommodates a little more difficulty. It took about three months, but we got her to four full pull ups. Currently, she’s at six.
I haven’t enough phalanges to count the number of women I’ve gotten to five pull ups, or more; and so I’ve come to really know a thing or two about it, and will tell you this straight out: Bands are nonsense, mostly a last resort, and should never be relied on exclusively (in SOME cases, bands cane be used for auxiliary purposes, yes). Assistance machines are even more fruitless, and I have never had any use for them.
So, without laying out a full program (for that, see below), I will make this as simple as possible. The order of importance to getting your first pull up, is this:
1. Establishing a strong, isometric (static/flexed) position at the top, middle, and bottom (an active bottom that is, with shoulders “sucked down”) position of the pull up for at least five seconds.
2. Establishing a strong, controlled eccentric (negative/descending portion of the movement) for at least five seconds performed smoothly throughout the entire range of motion.
3. Slowly but surely, working partial reps into the equation. This can be done within the eccentric (come down two inches, come up one—is one of my favorite drills) or from any static position (bottom, middle, top—wherever your “weak spots” may be).
4. Finally, getting your first full, dead-hang, non-kipping, no-nonsense pull up.
Getting that first one is always the hardest, after that, it’s…easy?
Beating Adrenal Fatigue
Q. Pat, I’m really tired all the time and have no energy for working out. Should I take a pre-workout or energy supplement? (Brianne, Female, 27)
A. The answer to your question is no, that’s ridiculous. It’s not a normal condition to be tired “all the time”. What you have is an issue. Probably an adrenal issue, maybe a liver issue, possibly a thyroid issue, but certainly altogether you have an issue.
The thing about having an issue is that you cannot ask a person what their issue is and expect them to tell it to you in earnest. I ask Christine all the time, what’s your issue?, in a really hissy, snarly voice, and she says, promptly, you. Obviously I am not the issue; I think it’s her liver.
Cut out all stimulants, and ease back on the intense exercise. This will pain you, greatly, to do this I’m sure. But it must be done. Eliminate all poison from your diet, eliminate all starches from your diet, eliminate all sugar from your diet. Then, begin to supplement licorice root and rehmannia rhizome. Go for a brisk walk, everyday, and stretch a lot. Meditate, too, and practice your belly breath. Sleep.
PS – I’m looking for few people who want to come and test out a cool new pull up protocol. NOTE: This is NOT private online coaching.
Simply, this is a very specific “minimalist” pull up protocol that I want to “test” on a few people
If you are male or female, and want to either 1) get your first pull up, 2) move beyond 5 pull ups, or 3) move towards the one arm chin up, then this is for you.
So here’s the deal. If interested, email me at with the subject line of pull ups, and I’ll get you the details (NOTE: If you already requested to take part in the “Vagabond” program, you’re all set–you will get this, too, and you don’t need to email me again). And because it’s not private coaching, I’m able to make it really affordable. It’s a 3-month program, however, and pretty tough, so serious folks only.
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Hi Pat,
Can the method for achieving one’s first pullup be used to increase the reps one does on other exercises? I can do multiple pullups but am trying to achieve 3 x 30 on bodyweight rows. Currently, I’m on 2 sets of 20 and 12, so I see a long journey ahead.
Mohammed, I may not be Pat, but you could probably GTG your way to 3×30. You could also do more sets with less reps to a total of 90 reps, and then increase the reps per set, while lowering the number of sets (just my two cents).
Thanks Manuel, that sounds good. I appreciate it!
Hi Pat, great article! There’s a lot of material written on getting the first pull-up. I’ve recently written my own. Do you mind if I share a link to this article at the end of mine?
I would love to see a guide like this regarding a muscle up.