In my conversation with Fr. Gregory on predestination we discussed whether God is a moral agent. While we failed to reach any firm conclusion on that I commented that, whatever else we want to say about God being a moral agent, we can still have moral expectations of God. The point being we can reasonably infer — in fact, in some cases, be absolutely assured — that God would or would not do a thing, given what we know about Who (and What) God is.
However, when developing our expectations of God we must consider not just God’s absolute power, but God’s ordained power. That is, not just what God could do — given that God alone is capable of producing any logical possible reality — but what God would or might do given that God is also perfectly wise, loving, and just. For example, it is within God’s absolute power to annihilate the world, which would simply entail that God ceases to maintain it in existence. But we can be sure God would not do this, because it is against God’s wisdom and justice. This is obviously reassuring, especially for those who’d rather not be walking around wondering if God might snuff us out of existence, just because.
Continuing on this line of thought, we can also conclude that God would not arbitrary assign any individual person to hell — again, not aligned with God’s goodness, wisdom, or justice. Thus, if somebody goes to hell, the reason for that must be primarily on the creature and their refusal to accept the graces God has given them. But might we go further and say that God would or must save absolutely everyone? Here I am not so sure. I doubt our expectations can be drawn to such a far reaching conclusion, especially since it is in harmony with God’s ordained power that he govern fallible free creatures (primarily, generally) through motions which can be impeded. If God “overrode” our fallible liberty in every instance to bring about universal salvation, this would be out of line with God’s wisdom, who governs all things according to their mode of being, at least so far as the general run of the elect is concerned.
Thus, our expectations of God regarding eschatology, so far as I can tell, rule out arbitrary election and double predestination, but do not give us any confident assurance of universal salvation.