A Navy Seal on Mental Toughness Training
Brad McLeod, former US Navy Seal and owner of SEALgrinderPT, joins me (Pat!) to discuss mental toughness, specifically what it is, and how to get some.
A Navy Seal on Mental Toughness Training
About Brad McLeod and SealgrinderPT
SEALgrinderPT.com was founded by Brad McLeod in June 2010. The website is dedicated to working out and improving your mind and body to unleash the inner warrior in you.
The grinder PT is a mixture of the same exercises that SEAL recruits perform on a daily basis at the BUD/S training camp in Coronado, California. We are also throwing in a few CrossFit style drills, some exercises from SEALFit and a few others you may not have seen before (just post a comment or email and we will provide more info)
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anapfenyillata says
Thanks Allison!Yes he loves it !