These workouts are not for the faint of heart. Hit them just 3 times a week and be peeling off fat like ripping off a band-aid—quick, intense, yet painfully satisfying.
Realistically, expect to hack off 5-10lbs in the next month using these routines, while dropping a couple pants or dress sizes. You’ll also see, in real time, your muscles becoming sharp and hard—basically, you’ll feel like a human tank!
The secret is in the sheer intensity--these workouts are diabolically intense; they have you burning from every muscle group all at once, and work to train strength, power, muscle, AND endurance all in the same routine.
These workouts are the most diabolical that *I've* ever created, and I want you to test your mettle...even just ATTEMPTING these workouts will inevitably cause you to shred through fat like crazy and build "freakazoid" levels of strength and muscle.
After all, that which doesn't killer you only makes you CRAZY stronger, and as the title implies, these workouts might indeed be trying to kill you!
But don't worry--as folks have already been joking about--you'll pass out before you die LOLOL