Dan and Pat talk about how to get your first pull up, easy-healthy recipes, and how to not let “trying” get in the way of success. Also some theology.
Dan John on Getting Your First Pull Up
Mentioned Resources and Related Episodes
40 Years with a Whistle: https://www.otpbooks.com/product/40_years_with_a_whistle/
To Grad From Dad: http://danjohn.net/to-grad-from-dad/
EP 270: Dan John on Increasing Training Efficiency and Living a More Balanced Life
How to Be Better at (Almost) Everything
Be sure to snag a copy (or two!) of Pat’s book How to Be Better at (Almost) Everything while it’s still on sale over at Amazon here: ==> https://amzn.to/2MHdHSh
Want some cool bonuses to go with, including an intense 5-day fitness plan, and a collection of 1-page skill building cheatsheets? Then simply email us at PatFlynn(at)Chronicles(of)Strength(dot)com with your receipt, and we’ll send them right along.
The Pat Flynn Show
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Mike Rickard says
Pat, one of the things I’ve learned from you is that we should take advantage of time and utilize it more efficiently. That doesn’t mean we can’t have any R&R. However, I’ve been spending time in my car listening to books on tapes. Recently I listened to a course on economics and lo and behold, they discussed the prisoner’s dilemma. This is a good refresher and shows me two things: 1) you can learn more by repetition; and 2) things can be counterintuitive thus we need to reason things out rather than going with the ‘ol gut every time.
Guys, I have a question too. I had ankle surgery last July for a torn tendon and while I’m doing much better, the ankle is still tender. I tried doing push-ups and it really seemed to affect my ankle. What are some good alternatives for upper body strength besides push-ups and weights? I like weights but I don’t always make it to the gym and like a good alternative for at home. Thanks in advance!
J.J. Anderson says
Hi Pat and Dan. How would you differentiate living a balanced life between living a life of moderation (if you think there is a difference). Also, do you think there are times when you should tip the balance and lean towards excess or at other times, less.
Pat Flynn says
Good question, J.J. Just want to let you know that Dan jammed on this one a while in our most recent chat. Episode coming soon.
Morgan Christopher says
Dan, what’s your favorite lean protein? I’ll drink a protein shake from time to time (mostly for convenience) but I like to sit down and eat. I’ll always be a fan of different meats but as I’m getting older, I’m wondering if I should switch from red meat to things such as chicken.
Morgan Christopher says
Here’s an off-the-wall question for you Pat. What’s the worst book you’ve read promoting atheism? I know there are atheists who make some well-grounded arguments, but there are a lot who don’t. Amazingly, they also manage to get published. Care to comment?
Bill McGrath says
Hi Pat & Dan. At 58 years of age, one of my long term goals is to have good mobility into my 70s and 80s. As I strive to become a fox rather than a hedgehog (Thanks Dan), I try to integrate what I’ve learned from the two of you with other sources. I was wondering what your thoughts were on Kelly Starrett’s Supple Leopard, Tim Anderson’s Original Strength and Gray Cook’s FMS? Thanks very much.