Pat and Aleks (aka The Big Boys) discuss fitness myths/lies/unhelpful assumptions that must be destroyed! Pat and Aleks Kill 3 Fitness Myths That Needed to Die Anyway Check out Generalist University at: New eBook: Introduction to Kettlebells – Just $1 on Amazon! Recently, I wrote a short (read: 30 pages) eBook called Introduction to Kettlebells, […]
EP 465: 2 Underrated Kettlebell Exercises (and How to Use Them)
Pat discusses two underrated kettlebell exercises and how to use them! Two Underrated Kettlebell Exercises (and How to Use Them) Check out Generalist University at: New eBook: Introduction to Kettlebells – Just $1 on Amazon! Recently, I wrote a short (read: 30 pages) eBook called Introduction to Kettlebells, which is now available on Amazon […]
The Biblical Case for The Papacy with Suan Sonna
In this massive three hour bonus theology episode, Suan Sonna argues that it can be shown from the scriptures that the Roman Catholic doctrine of the papacy is true – Christ established a supreme, infallible, and successional Petrine ministry. Sonna builds his massive case on sources from primarily Protestant and Orthodox scholars, demonstrating that the […]
Interview on The Catholic Man Show
Recently, I was invited on The Catholic Man Show (why yes, there is a Catholic Man Show, and it’s awesome!) to discuss natural law, virtue, Stoicism, suffering, and more. podcast link:
Philosophy Friday: Introduction to Metaphysics with Dr. Michael Torre
Dr. Michael Torre returns to The Pat Flynn Show to provide an introduction metaphysics based on his book What Is: Introductory Reflections on Thomistic Metaphysics. We discuss: Explains metaphysics to us like we’re 5! What questions do metaphysicians ask? Is philosophy dead? Has science killed it? The case for final causality/directedness in nature. Can metaphysics […]