Pat discusses the upcoming New Years 300 Swings Challenge, why you (as beginner OR veteran) should take part, then offers a sample workout : ) New 300 Swings Challenge + Sample Workout To take advantage of early-discounted registration for the upcoming New Years 300 Swings #Kettlebell Challenge, please join Pat’s email list at 300 […]
A Lutheran’s Case for Roman Catholicism with Dr. Rob Koons
Dr. Rob Koons returns to The Pat Flynn Show to discuss his recently released book A Lutheran’s Case for Roman Catholicism. Calling himself one of the slowest converts in Church history, Rob’s book explains how he thought his way through the doctrinal differences of Catholics and Protestants, including Justification, Sola-Scriptura, and the Papacy. Interestingly, most […]
Arguing Religion In a College Course (Plus a Response to Dr. Jerry Walls’s Strongest Argument Against Catholicism)
I recently had the opportunity to present my conversion to Catholicism in a college course called Faith and Doubt, while engaging Dr. Jerry Walls on what he calls his Strongest Argument Against Catholicism. The presentation, however, was asymmetric; predominantly, I discussed what caused me to move from being non-religious to eventually Catholic – first to […]
Gaven Kerr on Human Dignity and Contemporary Life Issues
Dr. Gaven Kerr returns to the Pat Flynn show to discuss how he’s been engaging as a public intellectual in Ireland on contemporary life issues, especially and most recently euthanasia. The conversation begins by exploring how human dignity is grounded and what implications follow from that account regarding abortion and euthanasia. We then discuss arguments […]
Dan John on Why Fitness Is Like Taco Bell, Focused Training Blocks, and The Myth of Carryover
Pat and Dan are joined by specialist guest Dr. Jim Madden, author of Ageless Athlete, to discuss the importance of focused training blocks for getting more out of your fitness routine, why fitness is like Taco Bell, and how to avoid falling into the myth of carryover when it comes to preparing for athletic endeavors. […]