Pat discusses what he believes the best bang for buck kettlebell workouts are for strength, hypertrophy, endurance, and metabolic conditioning. Check it out! The Best Bang for Buck Kettlebell Workouts Workouts Mentioned The Great Destroyer: 10 reps x double swing, double snatch, front squat, clean and press, bent row, push up. Armor Building: 2 x […]
The Maximum-Minimum DOUBLE KETTLEBELL Program w/ Dr. Jim Madden
Pat, Aleks, and Dr. Jim discuss what they call The Maximal-Minimalist training double kettlebell training program. Essentially, how to get the most out of a minimalist double kettlebell routine focused on two fundamental exercises: double clean and press & front squat. They gents also discuss some of their favorite 2 x 16kg kettlebell workouts, as […]
Does Philosophy Make Religion Credible? Ft. Dr. Michael Torre
Does philosophy make religion credible? We’re not asking if philosophy *proves* any particular religion, but whether the philosophical hunt for ultimate explanations can provide a rational plausibility to any religious worldview? In other words, does philosophy invite us to explore religious options, and, if so, which ones, and how? These are just some of the […]
EP 514: Dan John on How to Eat and Exercise Like an Adult
Dan and Pat discuss what it means to eat (and exercise) “like an adult.” They also chat about the quality vs quantity of life issue, whether eating meat can be healthy, and then take listener questions on gaining mobility for overhead squats and easing back into an exercise program after suffering from various health issues. […]
Evolution and the Bible with Dr. Matthew Ramage
Dr. Matthew Ramage returns to The Pat Flynn Show to share his approach for thinking about evolution and the Bible. Are they incompatible, as many claim? Of course not, says. Dr. Ramage. Tune in to hear why! Evolution and The Bible with Dr. Matthew Ramage PS – Check out Dr. Ramage’s book: Dark Passages of […]