Pat and Jim talk about two books that really help solve the fundamental American issue of being fat and broke — namely, Pavel’s Enter the Kettlebell and Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Make Over. What do these books have in common, and why does Dr. Jim so regularly gift them to young couples? Please LIKE, COMMENT, […]
3 Ultra Intense Kettlebell Workouts | Ladder Complexes for Strength and Endurance
Pat shares 3 (ultra intense!) kettlebell workouts. Each workout is not only a complex (a series of exercises done back to back), but a laddering complex, where the reps increase as the workout goes along, which burns a mountain of calories and is perfectly miserable. Check it out! 3 Ultra Intense Kettlebell Workouts Workouts Demolition […]
From Atheism to Catholicism: Pat Flynn Returns to Pints with Aquinas
Last night I had the loveliest of chats with the ever-charming Matt Fradd on his Pints with Aquinas Show. Primarily we discuss worldview/paradigm shifts and everything involved therein (intellectually, emotionally, and otherwise). We also chat a bit about arguments for God and religion generally, and then take some very good questions from listeners toward the […]
Classical Theism and Divine Simplicity w/ Dr. Gaven Kerr
Dr. Gaven Kerr returns to The Pat Flynn Show to explain classical theism and its corresponding commitment to divine simplicity, including what the metaphysical motivations are, why divine simplicity is (for many philosophers) a non-negotiable, and how to handle objections ranging from modal collapse to contingent knowledge. Classical Theism and Divine Simplicity w/ Dr. Gaven […]
The Ultimate Warrior Kettlebell Complex
Pat shares one of his newest workout concoctions, The Ultimate Warrior Kettlebell Complex, which is featured in his upcoming Two Sixteens program. Have at it, everyone! The Ultimate Warrior Kettlebell Complex Overview: This workout builds a 6-exercie kettlebell complex by starting with two exercises (double swing and push up) and introducing a new exercise […]