I’m finally starting to knock the cobwebs off my Youtube channel with some regular livestreams. Here’s two of the more recent, where I take questions on everything from supplements to recommended (philosophy) reading. You can subscribe to my channel here.
Resolving the Epicurean Paradox of God and Evil
Philosophically, the Epicurean Paradox (i.e. problem of evil) can be resolved by firmly embracing the common Augustinian-Thomistic retort that from every evil God is “omnipotent enough” to draw some greater good, which alleviates any alleged contradiction between God (classically understood as omni-attributed: all powerful, knowing, and good) and evil; and thereby shifts the burden of […]
Weekly Interview and Article Round Up (10/4/2020)
Interviews Recently, I was invited on The Examined Life podcast to present the case for common good conservatism. I discuss how I’ve evolved politically — from liberal to libertarian to common good conservative — then argue that abortion is a defining issue, and one of such overriding moral significance that it *could* merit a single […]
Is There a Case for Hopeful Universalism?
Surely every Christian must admit to having some difficulty with the doctrine of hell, especially given the otherwise good news of the Gospel. Who would deny it? And, while some explanations of Hell are more palatable (and perhaps plausible) than others, it is still that very same Gospel which delivers to us, in no small […]
We Can Frustrate God’s Uncircumstanced Will But Not His Universal Providence
We can frustrate God’s uncircumstanced will but not his universal providence. To preserve divine innocence with respect to the problem of pain and the possibility of Hell, we must, I am ever more certain, posit that the creature of fallible liberty can *in some sense* frustrate the will of God. It is clear in Scripture […]