On Wednesday, Oct 28th I’ll be hosting a discussion between Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass over intelligent design. Dr. Behe is the recent author of Darwin Devolves, to which Dr. Swamidass (author of The Genealogical Adam and Eve) has responded to critically here. Behe’s own responses can be found here. Previously, I’ve had […]
Sunday School: What Use Are Argument for God, Why Divine Simplicity, Thoughts on Intelligent Design, and More!
Pat and Eric press each other with a series of surprise questions, ranging from what use arguments for the existence of God play, the purpose of affirming divine simplicity, their thoughts on the “Intelligent Design” movement, why Church unity matters (also what it is), and more! Sunday School: What Role Do Arguments for God Play, […]
EP 455: Have COVID Lockdowns Done More Harm Than Good? with Dr. Jay Richards.
Pat is joined by Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the recent book The Price of Panic, to discuss the morality and effectiveness of government mandated lockdowns in response to COVID-19. What have we learned since this pandemic struck? Were the lockdowns initially justified to help soften the blow to our healthcare system? And, if so, […]
Why Study Theology?
The purpose of Theology (which is the study of God) is spiritual nourishment. For Christians, God nourishes us with truth, law, and sacrament. That is the food which Christ instructed Peter (the first Pope) to feed his flock with. Thus, to study theology is to seek the maximal amount of spiritual nourishment. And while it […]
Comparing Conservative and Libertarian Politics on The Examined Life Podcast
Recently, I was invited on The Examined Life podcast to chat political philosophy. The conversation stretched for almost four hours, over two parts. We covered a lot: everything from the failures of classical liberalism to single issue voting, President Trump, and more. After my episode, my friend Jon Reed was invited on to provide a […]