This paper on Castro Consensuses is fascinating and (technical analysis aside) common sense: “When a consensus is formed by the independent and free deliberations of many, it is indeed a strong indicator of truth. Yet not all consensuses are independent and freely formed. We investigate the role of dependence and pressure in the formation of […]
Interview: Why You Should (Re-)Consider Religion
Recently, Mike Mathews invited me on his Muscle for Life podcast to have a lively discussion/debate on religion. Mike, not being a religious man himself, plays devil’s advocate, whereas I, the Catholic convert, make the positive case. I want to thank Mike for being an exemplary host for this kind of discussion: someone with whom […]
Dr. Doug Axe on Intelligent Design, The Castro Consensus, and Evaluating Expert Disagreement
Dr. Doug Axe, author of Undeniable and The Price of Panic, joins The Pat Flynn Show to make his case as a molecular biologist for intelligent design, discuss the phenomena of a “Castro Consensus,” and how non-specialists should approach expert disagreement when they may be unable evaluate the evidence for themselves. Dr. Doug Axe on […]
Debate on Intelligent Design: Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass
This podcast features a friendly, but spirited debate between Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass over intelligent design, especially as it relates to the notion of “irreducible complexity” and the challenge this poses (as Dr. Behe would argue) to modern evolutionary theory. Dr. Behe is the recent author of Darwin Devolves, to which Dr. […]
Philosophy Roundtable: Reincarnation, Evaluating Expert Disagreement, Arguments for God, Morality of Smoking, and More
Pat is joined by Dr. Gaven Kerr and Dr. Brian Besong for a philosophy roundtable taking questions from podcast subscribers on everything from the possibility of reincarnation, how to make up your mind when experts disagree, what role arguments for God actually play, the morality of smoking, and more! The Possibility of Reincarnation, The Morality […]