Pat takes follower questions from Instagram, including: What is Pat’s favorite guitar riff? What does Pat recommend for a 2x/week strength/muscle front squat routine? Pat’s thoughts on “Healthy at Any Size.” Starting books for getting into philosophy Healthy at Any Size, 2-Day Front Squat Routine, Good Philosophy Reads Recommended Resources & Related Episodes One and […]
The Philosophy and Theology of The Mandalorian
Dr. Gaven Kerr returns to The Pat Flynn Show for a special episode of Philosophy Friday, where we explore various philosophical and theological themes embedded in the popular series The Mandalorian. Looking at Star Wars from a metaphysical perspective, Gaven argues that despite the initial dualistic/Manichean appearance, The Mandalorian is fundamentally a story of good […]
Substitutivity of Identicals and the Real Distinction
One objection against the intellectus essentiaea argument of Aquinas for establishing the real distinction between the essence and existence of any qualitatively finite thing comes from John Buridan, and is based on the breakdown of the substitutivity of identicals. All that is verbiage. Let me explain. Aquinas says one way we can know that essence […]
A Worthwhile Exercise
The great Robert P. George offered the following on Twitter. I responded with three of my closest friends – Jon, Som, and Aleks – who’ve you’ve heard on the podcast. One is agnostic, another Hindu, and the third Jewish. We do not share the same religion but are able to disagree without being disagreeable, and […]
Bullet Points on Causality, Dependency, and Hume
Causation is a matter of dependency relation. Whatever is the effect depends on — or in some sense, derives from — the cause(s). As Anscombe puts it, “… causality consists in the derivativeness of an effect from its causes. This is the core, the common feature, of causality in its various kinds. Effects derive from, […]