Pat talks about the difference between a person’s health status and their health habits, why the differences matter, and what it means practically. Support the podcast by becoming a member of Generalist University: Health Status vs Health Habits Related Episode Dan John on Strength Standards (Most) Everyone Should Hit New eBook: Introduction to Kettlebells – […]
The Constitution and Catholic Magisterium
Tom Woods and Michael Malice have put together an entertaining but excellent video on the American Constitution and what a horrendous disaster is the idea that we are guided by a “living, breathing” document. Have a watch. As the video was rolling, I couldn’t help but think about tradition in the role of Christianity, which […]
Sunday School: Gospel of John Chap 6 (Reading and Reflection)
Pat and Eric continue their series on the Gospel of John, reading and reflecting on Chapter 6. Gospel of John Chap 6 Related Episode Scripture Reading & Reflection | Gospel of St. John, Chap 2 The Pat Flynn Show If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe […]
Libertarian Freedom and God’s Knowledge of Sin
In bullet points: God causes the act of sin, because God causes all positive ontological attributes given divine universal causality. Remember: Nothing apart from God can exist without God causing it. (Also here.) However, God does NOT cause the sin itself, because God does not cause the privation which makes the act sinful. For example, […]
The End of Women’s Sports?
People are saying Biden’s executive order on gender ideology is the end of women’s sports (some are saying erasure of women) as we know it. Whatever the potential merit of this criticism, it misses the bigger issue. The problem, primarily, isn’t so much violation of privacy or fairness in competitive sports, but denial of objective […]