Jim Madden — professional philosopher and 2019 no-gi masters bjj champ — returns to The Pat Flynn Show to discuss his current training regimen, why he loves kettlebell high pulls, and the eerily prophetic philosophy of Fredrich Nietzsche. Also a little on professional wrestling, Alice Cooper, and Terrence Malick films. What a conversation this was! […]
Take That, Philosophy!
There is a condescending Tweet going around from some guy who describes himself as “a radical skeptic” who “follows the laws of dialectic” attempting to demonstrate the foolishness of philosophy (compared to science, as if they’re in competition?) by — and I kid you not — promoting a formally invalid syllogism and thinking this means […]
Steven Nemes on 2 Ways to God in Thomas Aquinas and Michel Henry
Steven Nemes is welcomed to The Pat Flynn Show to offer a brief introduction to phenomenology (what is it and why care) and then to present 2 Ways to God in Thomas Aquinas and Michel Henry — one being the outer way of St. Thomas based on objective being, the other being the inner way […]
Aquinas’s Little Known Way to God
Today is the feast day of Thomas Aquinas, one of my favorite philosophers and Catholic saints. Aquinas is the thinker most responsible for my becoming Catholic, hence why I adopted Thomas as my confirmation name. Thus, I am Patrick Daniel Thomas Flynn. Or is it Thomas Daniel? Either way. More relevantly, I was invited with […]
Aquinas and Per Se Causal Reasoning
To grasp why Aquinas’s arguments throughout his corpus of work (De Ente, Summa, etc) lead ineluctably to God’s existence, we must begin by appreciating the specific type of causal reasoning Aquinas is engaged in. This is critical because one very common point of confusion — in fact, the perennial confusion — when it comes to […]