Is There Really Any Point In Going to College? In an unexpected turn of events, Tom and Pat reminisce about their college experiences, and how they feel about the value of higher education today. Should everyone go to college? If so, what should a person go to college for? What about for those who want […]
EP 90: Being Effective Vs Being Efficient [The Pat Flynn Show]
Being Effective Vs Being Efficient Pat and Tom discuss the difference between being effective vs being efficient when pursuing fitness goals, and why “minimalist” attains both. Being Effective Vs Being Efficient OR, ==> CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EPISODE. PS – TLDR (or, in this case, listen). Being effective: Doing the right things. Being efficient: […]
For Success: Principles Are Everything
For Success: Principles Are Everything It seems a lot of people need to work on principles. Because if you don’t get the principles of the thing, you’ll never get how to do the thing itself. This it true for, well, anything: Weight loss, strength training, learning a musical instrument, financial investing, etc. Tactics on the other […]
How to Learn a Musical Instrument as an Adult
How to Learn a Musical Instrument as an Adult I want to be clear: I never really learned to play the guitar until I was an adult. I never understood technique or music theory and I never learned to play anything by ear. These were all skills I acquired later in life. They took a […]
Why Philosophy Matters
Why Philosophy Matters When I began reading philosophy, I started with the so-called moderns and contemporaries. I read a lot of Nietzsche and Kant. Schopenhauer found his way in there, too, that cantankerous and chirpy, old wizard. I enjoyed all their lines of thought, even though they were often dissimilar and conflicting. But I never […]