How to Have a Good Argument An argument (at least in philosophy) is giving reasons for a conclusion. So, in part one of this philosophical series, Pat Flynn talks about why argumentation is not only important, but necessary for human understanding, and why the two extreme positions that degrade or devalue argument–“political correctness”, on the […]
EP 130: The Right Way to Look at the 80/20 Rule [The Pat Flynn Show]
The Right Way to Look at The 80/20 Rule This episode is all about productivity, which isn’t about making more time, per se, but making most of the time you already have. Thus, Pat shares a series of strategies–including, but not limited to–the use of the 80/20 rule for making efforts as effective and efficient […]
EP 129: How to Be Better – Plain and Simple [The Pat Flynn Show]
How to Be Better – Plain and Simple Despite the somewhat sarcastic titling, this is an important episode, since Pat discusses why it’s often necessary to let go of progress in certain, specific areas to advance overall as a human person. How to Be Better – Plain and Simple OR, ==> CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD […]
EP 114: How to Write a Book [The Pat Flynn Show]
How to Write a Book Today Tom asks Pat what it’s like to write a book, why a person should consider doing so, and how to go about it. As an experienced and successful author, Pat’s written three best-selling For Dummies titles, and is just finishing his most recent title How to Be Better at […]
EP 113: Keto, Deadlifts, Stoicism, and More! [The Pat Flynn Show]
Keto, Deadlifts, Stoicism, and More! It’s Mailbag Monday, and today we’re answering questions on keto, deadlifts, stoicism, starting a blog, and more. Specifically: – Is keto all hype or actually worth following? – What’s a good way to incorporate barbell deadlifts into training with kettlebells? – What are Pat’s thoughts on Stoicism? – And, what’s […]