Some of what skeptical theists offer can be useful in responding to the problem of pain, but here is one common mistake.
It is not right to say UNQUALIFIED that God allows evil/sin for the sake of some greater aesthetic-dramatic quality of the universe, even if we cannot see from our finite-limited perspective what the purpose of that evil is. (Skeptical theists like to show how otherwise beautiful works of art can appear ugly when viewed extremely close, and then adjust the frame to reveal the majesty once the entire portrait is in view. One can draw the analogy to the PoE.) That is, that God withdraws his hand, so to speak, and allows someone to drop out of the moral good so God can make a better story, a more dynamic masterpiece, or what have you.
This view is morally absurd and turns God into something of a cosmic utilitarian.
The correct answer is that God does NOT will sin for some greater aesthetic-drama of the universe but can USE sin once it has occurred (agains His will) to some greater good. But God’s original aim is guiding beings in accord with their mode of being freely (and in our case, fallibly) to himself — in fact, it is equally absurd to think God would drop someone out of the moral good inasmuch as one recognizes that God would be ordering something away from himself, which is nutso.
The skeptical theist sometimes forgets that God is “crazy in love,” willing to go to any lengths to redeem even just one lost sheep. How often theodicies run astray of The Gospel!
See also: