1. For strength you need to lift a lot (frequently) and sometimes a lot (very heavy).
2. There is no secret to it, no trick, no easy solution—just practice, practice, practice, practice, practice.
3. Strength comes on slow, but stays for a long time. Once you earn it, it’s yours. And if you do lose it, heaven forbid, well it’s like riding a bike, and will come back quicker and easier the second time around, than it took you to gain it the first.
4. Strength is very specific. What you practice is what you get strong at. The idea of “carryover” strength is largely, largely exaggerated. Back squats won’t give you bigger, stronger biceps, I’m sorry to say.
5. The biggest strength gains come from the biggest movements. So push, pull, hinge, squat, and carry. That is, military press, pull up, deadlift, front squat, Turkish get up, and hanging leg raise.
6. Strength should be a priority. Do it first, and while fresh. Let everything else come after.
7. Strength is tension, not bulk. It comes more from the efficiency of the manager (your central nervous system), not the size of your factory (the muscles).
8. Everybody can be strong. Everybody SHOULD be strong.
9. Physical strength is a personality multiplier. It makes cool people cooler, and assholes bigger assholes. But people who are TRULY strong, aren’t dicks. They use their strength to help others along, not put them down.
– Pat
PS – So I’m looking for TWO, very specific private coaching clients for a case-study. What I’m looking for, specifically, is this:
1. Female, between the age of 25-35 who SPECIFICALLY wants to gain strength (preferably to achieve a pull up for the first time, or to move beyond 5 dead hang pull ups) and lose body fat (not just weight, but specifically body fat). MUST be willing to implement a new intermittent fasting protocol I’ve developed as well
2. Male, between the age of 40-55 who SPECIFICALLY wants to improve mobility (most specifically in the shoulders and hips) and strength (again, specifically in the pull up–I’ve got this cool new protocol I’ve been using, and am eager to use it on others, and to see what awesome results it gets them). Fat loss, as a goal, is not mandatory, but will be inevitable.
If you meet these requirements and are interested, email me at PatFlynn@ChroniclesOfStrength.com with the subject line of “online coaching” for more details. Because I am requesting these specific requirements for a case study, I’m offering up a big discount (still not cheap, by any means, but significantly more affordable; and so long as you do EXACTLY what I say, it will be well worth your while) for anyone who meets them, and is ready to get to work right away.
Great info on strength Pat. A quick question regarding fasting. I used to fast from 8pm to 12am of the following day with my strength training around 6pm and my big meal around 7pm. Due to my job, now I can’t fast in that time anymore. I was wondering if a fasting regime like this would work:
Fast from 12pm to 4am.
Strength train at 4am followed by a medium meal. (Protein and carbs)
Big meal at 11am (Protein and fats)
Fast from 12pm to 4am.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.