There is hardly a thing more heinous, or more despicable, or more deplorable or grotesque, or even disgusting than a kettlebell complex made by yours truly, save only for getting your legs boiled in molten sulfur, having some limbs detached, and mother-in-laws. And people ask, Pat, where do you come up with these vile things? But nothing is original, you see. I send telegrams to get them, down there, and by and by he replies, and usually pretty promptly, too—but that depends on the season, and what sort of business he’s in.
Good to hear from you, my friend. How is the weather up there? HOT down here, let me tell you—hot as Hell, I guess you could say J
Makes me smile, getting these letters from you. Good to see my work is appreciated.
Sorry for the delay, it’s been a busy season; lots of people not paying their taxes, and I don’t have the resources like I used to. Good help is currently hard to find; especially short on people trained in the whip. This reminds me, I know you’ve got a lot going on, but if you’re ever looking for some extra work, well, I could really use someone like you down here. Even got a management position open down in the fifth circle—kneecapping division. Pay is good; full benefits, too. Let me know.
Anyways, as requested, I’ve put together a few samples for you; mostly things we’ve been testing down here on the perjurers. Hard to justify boiling them in molten sulfur like we do heathens, ya’ know?—stuff costs me an arm and a leg, literally—and for a little white lie? I can’t warrant it. These complexes are much more economical, and far more reliable, too, than a minotaur, which are hardly as smart as a cow.
Talk soon, Pat.
Yours in Hellth,
The Great Destroyer:
You should really have this one memorized by now…
10 x double swing
10 x double snatch
10 x double front squat
10 x double clean and press
10 x push up
10 x row
As many QUALITY rounds as you can in 15 minutes.
The IDontKnowWhatToCallThisComplex:
Grab two bells. One “heavy”, and one “light”. Then, all without putting the bells down:
1 x Double Swing + Double Clean + Double Press + Front Squat
2 x …
3x …
Repeat for as many good rounds as you can in 15 minutes.
Armor Building (Dan John)
This one I got actually got from Dan John…
Go heavy:
2 cleans
1 press
3 front squats
As many as you got with good form in 15-20 minutes.
Becoming Minimalist Masterclass (Last Chance to Enroll)
The Becoming Minimalist Masterclass, an online course to teach you how to get more fit with less–but better–exercise choices, is kicking off January 2nd, with Phase-1 of the program going out to all Inner Circle members.
Although the case study group is full, I’m willing to let you “audit the course”, so to speak, and will give you full access to the program (you just won’t be eligible to win any of the prizes, but are still more than welcome–and encouraged–to send in before/after photos and participate right along).
This course is not for everyone. This is a very tough 3-month minimalist strength, conditioning, and fat loss program. So I am looking for people who are willing to do EXACTLY what I say, and get awesome results.
I’m going to lay it all out for you–no guess work. But you must be able to follow directions.
If this sounds like something you’d like to participate in, then CLICK HERE.
When completed, this course will only be available as a separate package for $299. If you join now, you get it for $20/month (cancel anytime) as part of the initial “case study” group. I would definitely take advantage of that…
Hey Pay- Your “CLICK HERE” call to action link isn’t working. Can you send me a link? Thanks!
Err..I meant Pat 🙂
Apologies, I’m eating Indian food right now, but will get to fixing it ASAP.
In the meantime, you can just go directly to That should work for you, please let me know if it doesn’t. I return to my muttons.
Looks like the URL isn’t resolving at 🙁
Should be good now Nick, just had some server issues.
The IDontKnowWhatToCallThisComplex should be called Pat is Evil or Insane or Maybe Both! 😉
If only I had a nickle for all the times someone told me that then I could finally afford me some effective psychiatric treatment.
Pat, I am in pretty good shape, lean and fit about 11% body fat. Have a good diet(80% good, 20 % not so good) and work out 5-6 days a week and recently became an RKC. My question is why should I do the minimalist master class, I am interested but not sure
Armor making is amazing. Feel pumped. 13 rounds in 15 mins with a pair of 32kg. OUCH (for my sorry self anyways). Speaking of building armor, I recently started doing a lot of weighted carries after reading some Dan John article. Maybe one of these days you can blog on those. They also feel like good armor builders when I finish them.
can’t believe no one has commented on the “don’t know what to call this complex” There seems to be very little of the “cleans” in the video or am I just getting it wrong?