While not the ultimate or only exercise there is, I still really like kettlebell snatches. Mainly because so few moves aside snatching can so consistently give me such a strenuous sweat. Sprints can, I’ll admit that, but I don’t enjoy them and am always worried someone will think less of me once they see how I run. Christine says I look like an ostrich, actually, when I run – “too upright”, and “like a little asshole.”
People snatch for different reasons but all tend to enjoy their work. There is a kinship with the movement, a bond you feel once you land those first, very few, cool, couple of reps after days, maybe even weeks of frustration. It’s like changing a tire. There is so much animosity at first, because nothing is ever easy going, but once you get it on, it’s cool – and you’re cool. You’re actually proud of it, even though you punched the car a few times in the process and freaked the hell out of your friend.
All this because the snatch is not an easy move to wrangle in. It takes time. You will be frustrated. And that’s OK. Because it’s all those bad reps that ultimately make for some good ones, so long as you take the time to learn a little something from each of them. Maybe you gripped too tight, didn’t lock out enough or failed to power through with your hips. Whatever the reason, figure it out and fix it.
Now, when it comes to snatching, some people just want to get their numbers up – and I get that. I remember a time that greatly appealed to me, the lust of attaining 100 reps in five minutes or fewer, completing the Snatch Test, as it were. I had to do that many times for various, scattered certifications over the years. And if I remember rightly I believe one of my better times was around 3:47. If I remember rightly. It may have been 4:47. No. It was 3:47. Yes? No. Yes – 3:47, I’m sure of it now.
Others, however, only want a hard-hitting, calorie-crushing, adrenaline-junkie style of workout. They like the snatch because it burns. And I get that as well. Such is why the snatch is an unremovable and binding object in any of my plans for keeping a lean, wiry, and somewhat scrappy look. Because I’m Irish and am not interested in acting opposite of what God gave me, and neither should you be.
And while being ripped is kind of my scene – WARNING: SELFIE IMMINENT – I still like this whole idea of having “hidden strength”, of being stronger than I look.
I also drive a Porsche, guys, I just felt I should mention that.
Etc, etc.
Snatching Technique, Training Ideas, and Workouts
What you’ll find here are a few ways to improve your snatching cadence, grip strength, power and endurance, while burning a large sum of calories. But first, and just so we’re on the same page regarding technique…
The Kettlebell Snatch – In Slow Mo
Hips are back (not down)
Loose grip on the bell
Hand “spears through” around eyebrow heigh
Elbow is “quiet”, the arc is tamed.
For Gripping and Endurance
Grip Ladder
Snatch ladder (as high as you can) with one, one arm swing between. Switch sides and repeat. Men use 24-32kg; ladies 16-24kg. AMRAP in 10-15 minutes.
This will do a lot to build grip strength and staying power.
Endurance Ladder
Snatch ladder as high as you can (alternating sides) until “one bad rep” – explanation in video. No one arm swing between. This drill is pretty fancy as it lets newcomers practice at low reps and veterans at high reps.
Timed Sets
Some ideas for timed sets may involve 15 seconds ON; 15 seconds OFF for anywhere between 10-30 minutes. This is more about using a light bell and finding a rhythm – classic V02. For guys that may mean anywhere between 12-20kg; ladies between 8-12kg.
Negative rest sets are also an option, for a more anaerobic approach, and much shorter bouts overall. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. Switch sides every minute. Same weight, but push until you can do no more rounds.
Tabata, too – don’t forget about that. 20 seconds ON; 10 seconds OFF, for 4 minute – let’s call them “segments.”
For Strength and Power
To make higher rep snatching easier, do more heavier lower rep swings, one arm swings, and double snatches – because think it through. Who will have a more relaxing time snatching a 24kg for 100 reps, the man who can snatch a 24kg, a 40kg, or two 40kg? The answer, I hope, is so obvious it doesn’t need any elaboration.
Now you can do these moves by themselves, in low-rep, 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 sets or ladders, or as a complex. It’s your call. But here’s at least one idea.
Kettlebell Cyclone
Double swing, double clean, double snatch, see-saw press, and front squat. Cycle through as many times as you can until a noticeable change in rep speed occurs. Rest, and repeat when recovered. AMRAP in 10-15 minutes. Men use 2 x 24kg; ladies 2 x 16kg.
Start-Stop Swings, One Arm Swings, and Snatches
While this video is of a two hand, start-stop swing, which is where you start, heavy one-arm start-stop swings, and heavy one arm, start-stop snatches are where you want to wind up. “Start-stop” simply implies parking the bell between between reps.
The reason for start-stop swings and snatches is to work on producing as much power as you can with every individual rep, and from a dead stop. Go heavy.
Got Any Ideas?
For those of you heavily into snatching, having either trained for the snatch test, and passed it, or failed – doesn’t matter – I would be glad to hear from you.
What drills helped get your snatching numbers up? What about your endurance? Grip strength?
Or how about just your all time favorite snatching workout? Because that I’d really like to know.
Leave a comment! , and…
Strong ON!
– Pat
PS – If you like short, intense, little, fat-stripping workouts like these, it is very likely you would then LOVE my Pocket Sized Workouts program. On sale now for just $7 for the first 30 days – but that is ending soon.
More on that HERE.
Love the snatch! I like the long snatch workouts, you know, just go on one arm til you can’t anymore. It reminds me of long distance running–you’ve gotta go to a special place to get high rep snatches (200+). It’s definitely not something I’d do regularly but it holds a special place in my heart 🙂
Oh yah. What about long distance ostrich running? Is that a thing?
1 minute snatch followed by 1 minute of jumping rope. Repeated 10 times nonstop. A simple 20 minute session. You can make it lighter or harder by the weight you use.
Very cool combo – I can dig.
Back in the fall I worked on snatching almost 3 x a week following the Viking Warrior Conditioning program. Boy it really worked my VO2 and built up calluses – let me tell you! I had to push through with gauze and surgical tape so I didn’t miss a day. LOL Next is the MV02 getting up to 36:36. Perhaps, next fall….
It’s a great protocol – I used to use it a lot back when I real into it. Like you said, good way to build toughness in your hands, especially.
Any suggestions for how to work with bell changes? I learned on and am working with the 8kg but my gym bumps up to the 12kg. I’m not quite ready for the 12 for all my sets, and could really use that non-existent 10. Stick with the 8 for more volume to get to the 12? Or try to work in a few reps of the 12 to get my body used to it?
One of the best ways to hop to the next heavier bell is to go even heavier with one arm swings, cleans and high pulls. Overshoot with the weight if you can – so instead of 12kg – use 16kg, maybe even 20kg if you can hold on to it. Then, after a little while, go back and hit a few reps on the snatch with 12kg.
For the snatch test, I have my people do three underbelled sets of 100. For a woman:
1 x 100 @ 10k
1 x 100 @ 12 or 14 K
1 x 100 @ 8k
We time every set and strive to get around 3:30 or so. Plenty of rest in between…it helps.
We do this maybe once a week and when they test at the cert, they destroy it.
For men:
1 x 100 20k
1 x 100 14K
1 x 100 16k
Don’t stress about the load, just practice the 100 reps.
This is a great way to teach the snatch and the important point that it is a swing first Great Post.
So we can just swap your post for mine, then? And then I’ll come in on the comments with what I wrote. How is England? Are you in England right now?
I, too, have to say the VWC V02 protocol is my go to snatch practice. 16kg, 8 reps per side, :15/:15 for 40 minutes. Itś a special place indeed. Once I´ve done the 40 minutes consistently well I move up to the 24kg for 5 reps per side for 20 minutes @ :15/:15. Haven´t advanced past this stage yet.
A close second is a 10×10 double 16-20kg snatches/DFSQ 24kgs superset. Itś pure agony from start to finish.
One more thing about the V02 protocol that I really like is how the benefits transfer to the other big double KB lifts. Strength, volume and reps go up in dramatic fashion, I have found. Thanks for this post.
I can easily see why many refer to it as the ¨czar” of all KB lifts.
Hi Pat, nice wed like so much the minimalist look.
Snatch is my favorite GS lift, and also great for fitness.
For long set once u find a rithm the aerobic failure is not the limitant and the real enemy is the local fatigue in grip and shoulder.
To deal with it I mix progresive program with some isometric work with heavier bell help to build structure.
For shoulder: sets of 5 to 20 snatch each hand with pause in OH position about 15 to 30 sec per rep. (by the way a 12-12 reps set can last 6 minutes and give u nice sore traps the next days).
For grip as you sugested one hand swing plus snatch is great and farmer walk or at least holds for about 3 minutes do the job.
Here’s a tip I got from Ken Blackburn, I’m pretty sure he picked it up while training in Russia. It’s unbelievable for your grip strength! Just do a 10 minute snatch set with one hand switch but wear a cheap pair of cotton gloves. You use a significantly lighter bell, maybe even a 12-16kg bell for men. This is also great for helping with technique. The first few minutes you’re thinking this is so easy but you’re cranking out perfect reps, then the forearm burn sets in and it really taxes your grip. If you’ve never tried this I highly recommend it. It’s a great way to really fine tune your technique while greatly improving grip strength at the same time. My forearms were sore for 2-3 days and I was using a 12kg bell.
Cool drill, Dan. Appreciate you sharing. Strong ON!
“… while training in Russia”.
You will hardly find any kettlebells in Russia. In universities, yes. In gyms, hardly. If you don’t believe me, spend some time in Russia.
Great article Pat! Nice to have all these videos on one page. It’s taken me a long time just to get to feeling “comfortable” with this movement. Like a couple of years. I’d knock my forearms pretty badly and also tear callouses and the whole time thought I’d never “get it.”
My form could still use some, maybe a lot, of work. But what has helped me the most has been doing the 5-minute and 10-minute snatch tests periodically and including practicing the snatch in my weekly workouts (like your metabolic finisher The Ugly Mother, or just adding 10 snatches after each rep of a turkish get up for 10 minutes (I think that’s something from PSW). Practicing with a lighter weight has also helped.
I like your advice on how to move up in weight. Good to have a new goal on the horizon!
So what IS the goal?
Goals for snatches: 200 swings in 10 min with 16kg …(I’m close but not there yet!)
Last time I checked, I had some left over time on the 5 minute test, but I think I was switching after 25 reps, so I’d like to get that number up to 50.
New Goal: 100 swings in 5 minutes with 20 kg bell. (this sounds ludicrous to me. Is it a reasonable goal?)
PS – All of this snatch-work has definitely given me “man-hands” and even my children have noticed this phenomenon!
Whatever area that is between reasonable and ludicrous, your goal falls there. I say go for it.
Hey, Pat!
Thanks for the awesome blog post. Here’s my question: my issue with the snatch is that the kettlebell lands solidly on my arm below my wrist at the end of each one…..and I’m concerned my wrists will turn purple. Is that a form issue or just part of the game? Thanks!
Hey Amy,
Glad you posted this. Most commonly this is a technical issue. One reason may be due to overgripping the bell. If you hold too tightly this slows the rotation and causes the bell to “flop over” rather than transition smoothly – really it should “roll” around the wrist, not flip over the hand. Another reason this could be happening is because you are punching or spearing through too late. You want to get your hand there before the bell. If the bell beats you, it’s too late. Watch the video I have above, and look closely at exactly where I start to put my hand through the bell. It’s earlier than you might think – usually around eyebrow height, sometimes sooner.
Lastly, the forearms also need to be toughened, but shouldn’t be battered to do it. Just doing reps, even a few every day or every other day, will do a lot to get your forearms used to taking and holding the weight. No need to rush it.
Hope this makes sense and answers your question.
Strong ON!
– Pat