Are All Religions Saying the Same Thing?
Today begins a series on religious pluralism, or the idea that all religions are saying the same thing (or close to the same thing, or at least something vaguely similar) and therefore that you should just pick whatever religion suits your fancy. Go with what feels good, nah’m saying?
Well, it may come as little surprise to hear that Pat thinks this position is supremely incorrect. That said, after his atheist phase, Pat spent a good deal of time as a religious pluralist, studying the world’s major (and some minor) religions to compare and contrast. These studies offered many insights, but eventually led him to discover the radical claims of one such person in particular, if you can conjecture who that might be.
So, on this episode we talk about why all religions are most certainly not saying the same thing, and why it’s important to discern your way to truth, and how to go about it.
This is part 1 of (at least) 2.
Are All Religions Saying the Same Thing?
Show Notes and Resources
Are Buddhism and Christianity Compatible?
Stoicism and Christianity – Are They Compatible?
The Pat Flynn Show
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